Safety is Priority #1

While exceptional pricing and unmatched service are how we provide value to our members, safety truly is our top priority. 

Nothing is More Important Than Safety. Nothing.

Safety is our # 1 focus at StraightLine. We work with the finest operators, maintain internal records on all the aircraft we provide, and at no time will compromise passenger or pilot safety to complete a mission.

All aircraft and operators approved for StraightLine missions must meet stringent safety and quality requirements that far exceed the FAA minimums for charter operations.


StraightLine exclusively sources aircraft from FAA approved FAR Part 135 Charter Operators. FAR Part 135 is a set of federal laws governing everything from airworthiness of an aircraft to record keeping practices. The Charter Operators employ the pilots, handle the maintenance, and remain in operational control of the flights at all times.

StraightLine maintains close relationships with the industry’s top charter operators. These relationships allow us to have preferential access to the safest aircraft available, which are flown by the most experienced crews in the industry.

Operator Safety Auditing

StraightLine only charters aircraft that have been audited by The Aviation Research Group/US (“ARGUS”) or Wyvern. ARGUS audits an operator’s maintenance records, flight history, insurance coverage, the frequency of aircraft inspections, and a program’s ability to meet or exceed FAA standards. Other considerations include pilot training, flight hours, and pilot medical records.

For operators, ARGUS has a four-tier rating system: (1) Does Not Qualify, (2) Gold, (3) Gold Plus, and (4) Platinum. All ARGUS-rated operators must provide the auditing firm with its latest records to ensure that they’re cleared before each flight.